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A Semester Finished and a Chapter Complete

The Good Will Students for Peace Closing Ceremony is the end for this semester but not the end for these exemplary students.

By Andray Smith

The Good Will Students for Peace Closing Ceremony is a time for students to look back on their work, and think towards their future. Students at the Oliver Street School have worked their hardest this semester to learn proper ecumenical and environmental mindsets. With such a demanding curriculum, many schools struggle to find time to push essential values, which the Legion of Good Will (LGW) finds important in a young student's development and can provide to schools through the Good Will Students for Peace program.

This closing ceremony is a platform to not only celebrate the achievement of each student, but to set an example for the values a student should have and showcase how much they’ve learned over the semester. After a few opening words from the LGW, students, parents, and staff were able to reflect on the progress the students made while watching videos documenting the program. Students then gathered into a rousing bout of SOS Mother Nature, before receiving their pins and certificate of completion. Finally the students took an oath, pledging to continue their work protecting the Earth, and being the very best person they can be.

Jake Sheets - WHAO
Oliver Street School

The progress made is only a drop in the bucket, and with the continued efforts of the LGW along with generous donors and volunteers, schools across the world can ensure each student acquires the knowledge and morals to make a difference.

If you wish to learn more and even help the LGW in future programs, visit or check out the LGW’s Facebook and Instagram.